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How To Plan A Lean MVP That Scales? (An Essential MVP Guide)

How can you convert your business idea into a reality? With the help of your vision for what you want to offer or provide. Breaking them into steps that can be taken to implement them. Let's use a real-world example:

It is possible that you have heard of how Amazon was created inside the garage at Jeff Bezos' rented home. Are you aware of what the MVP of Amazon looked like? They started with a simple website that was merely a catalog of books. They came up with several variations of their initial MVP. Now Amazon is one of the biggest retail companies in the world.

There are many inspirational Minimum Viable Product instances across the globe. However, the most important problem is what is the most efficient formula for success with MVP? We've put together a list of essential checklists for creating the foundation of an MVP by reading this post. There is also a six-step MVP roadmap to kickstart your software development journey.

What exactly is MVP?

A term, or jargons that is extremely used in the development world is an MVP (Minimum viable product). MVP is a term that was coined by MVP was first coined by Frank Robinson and became popular through the book The LeanStartup by Eric Reis.

An MVP is essentially an unlaunchable version of your product with the bare minimum of capabilities. It permits testing and further advancement of your products. The first product you give to your first group of users is to check and confirm the validity of your concept. It's like a fundamental base for your ultimate mobile app or digital product.

If you're stuck at:

  • The creation of a Minimum-Viable Product for your business

  • Or haven't built your MVP yet, or aren't able to determine what features you want to add,

  • or if your MVP is not performing as expected, or is taking longer than anticipated.

Keep reading this blog to find all the answers you need.

As the writer, Eric Reis, said, "The ability to learn quicker from customers is an essential competitive advantage that startups must possess." (The Lean Startup). Learning from customers and repeated iterations is how a minimum Viable Product enables your product development process.

The core part of building a digital MVP along with custom software, is understanding its worth to your customers.

Here's a list of guidelines to follow when trying to build an MVP with success:

Select a Minimum Viable Product

So, what exactly is an efficient MVP and why should you choose it as part of your digital product development?

A slim MVP can be built faster with only a few features and a small number of users. In most industries launching an agile MVP is feasible and affordable, apart from sectors like insurance or banking, which have rules. The digital products must go through specific regulatory agencies in these cases. Biotech is another area where an MVP that is lean is not feasible due to obvious reasons.

But for most industries, Minimum Viable Product is launched with limited features in less time. Many billion-dollar businesses like Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch, Stripe and more, have started with a very basic model of their online offerings. Did you realize that Airbnb started with a simple website with no features such as map view or payment options?

Learn how to develop apps similar to Airbnb and Slack? (frameworks as well as features) Find out here.

The point here is that the launch of your MVP is feasible with only basic websites and MVPs with minimal featuresthat serve as a starting point for testing in the development of your digital product. A minimalist Minimum Viable Products, thus, is a element of a building block. It's a way to develop the final product that you would like to construct for your enterprise.

Speak to your customers or users

It is conducive to talking to customers or other users before you decide to create a Minimum Viable Product. It doesn't imply that you have to spend several years working on customer interactions or research. However, feedback from customers and interactions with users will help you develop solutions that serve your customers. If you are a product's user, it is also possible to bring those insights while creating your MVP.

In simple words, if you're solving any issue for your customers You should have a general idea of the issue as well as the best solution for it.

Make sure you know your MVP approach

When creating an MVP You must consider possibilities for MVP methods and apply the best ones to meet your business objectives and needs. A few different types of digital MVP methods are No product MVP, Product-mockup, Single-feature MVP , and MLP. Each of these methods is explained in the later section of this blog. (Please refer to the step-by-step instructions below)

Stick to the limited functionality

It is important to distill down the specifics of what your user needs. Begin with a basic set of needs and prioritize these. Startup founders who are struggling to build the MVP find themselves stuck as they want to address all of their users' needs as well as their potential customers for the future. To create a more efficient and less bloated Minimum Viable Product it is best to focus on a small set of initially-enrolled users. Prioritize solving their most difficult problems, and then keep the rest until the later design process that will be your product's digital version.

The crucial thing here is to set a goal to your MVP and establish a time duration for you MVP development. The benefit of a lean MVP lies in the fact that it can provide a base to iterate. This is exactly what you need to try to achieve when developing your MVP. It's merely a starting point and not your ultimate product that includes every feature. Contrary to what some consider, your MVP is not very memorable.

Do you remember the time when successful businesses like Facebook, Airbnb, Twitch, Stripe and more launched their applications? What did they look like at first? That's the question.

Airbnb launched with a simple website and no features , such as map view and payments and maps. These are available today. They delivered MVPs quickly, and then iterated, frequently learning from their users and have a market value of billions of dollars.

Optimize and improvise

Iteration is the key when making a Minimum Viable product. It is important to distinguish between iterating and pivoting. There is no need to be in love after you've created your MVP and get too excited, bringing in new features. If your product does not work for a specific set of users, you should not be planning to expand your product. You need to improvise to meet the needs of these situations in MVP development.

Therefore, prior to introducing new features to your digital application, you can play around on the most important ones first. Continue to iterate. Continue to refine your solution until it solves users' issues.

Current debates on MVP The question is: Is MVP in a state of decline?

One of the questions that is growing posted on the Quora site is "how polished can a person be an MVP?". On the other the other hand, Hackernoon writes, "The MVP is dead. Long Live the RAT".

Google autocomplete will also say "MVP has died" If you type MVP has died...

But the majority of these discussions are about the misapplication and confusion surrounding MVP. They also suggest alternatives like RAT- Risk Assumption Test ( to test the riskiest assumptions), MVE - Minimum Viable Experiment ( to test the foundational idea behind an idea in business) MCP , which stands for Minimum Competing Product ( to build something appealing to users) as well as other alternatives.

These options highlight the various aspects of MVP development. Also, they take care to address the major issues with creating an MVP.

A 6-step MVP roadmap for building an MVP that is successful

The biggest challenge when building MVP is executing and bringing to life your product's initial idea.

We've carefully created an easy step-by-step MVP procedure to ensure an effective MVP as an organization for the development of products.

1. Comprehensive Research

The initial step is an insight into the issues you're tackling for your customers and the solutions that you are able to offer. To accomplish this, you can utilize a standard Product/Market Fit Pyramid with several intricacies. For example, your potential customer has unmet needs, feature range, value, and user experience. It would help to answer important questions such as "what is the market? ", "Who are the people who have the said problem? ", "Is there a market need that your product is addressing?" etc.? These are questions that can be helpful during the planning stage prior to your MVP's launch and in market research for your MVP. Apart from such relevant questions, the three major questions you must ask are:

  • What exactly is your MVP supposed to fix?

  • Who are the users who are interested in the product you offer?

  • What are the available solutions to this problem in the marketplace?

2. Characterization of Features and prioritization

The next step is to identify the key features you'd like to incorporate into your product. Here, your product vision is the most important to concentrate on. Review and note down the various specs and features that could be valuable for the needs of users. Then, time-box these features for development. If they do not fit into your scheduled release time, you can cut them down to only the necessary ones. The features you're planning to include in your product must be prioritized by their importance. Separate the specifications and features into must-haves, possible-haves and shouldn't-haves. It is vital to have one feature with the highest priority, which reflects the core value of your product to the MVP stage.

Did you know that a majority of the most well-known and popular apps of today were initially made with only a few attributes as the MVP product? Airbnb was not equipped with the payment feature and also the most frequently used maps feature. Also to the Stripe application didn't have any bank deals , and significantly fewer features to begin with. So, an MVP is not about perfection but a roadmap to create your ideal digital product. It is essential to incorporate fundamental features before you can begin!

3. MVP approach selection

There are different approaches in the process of creating an MVP. It is essential to pick the one that best suits your needs and available resources. Your MVP development procedure must follow one of the MVP strategies listed below:


No-product MVP is an approach where you validate your product idea and receive feedback with no code according to Eric Reis mentioned in his book The Lean Startup. Here are the two ways of a No-product MVP:

  • Idea visualization

This method lets you test an idea and the potential by establishing the hypothesis for your product through marketing campaigns. There are no building blocks or realisation of your new product. It just shows or explains what the product will look like and what it will do. This method can be utilized with websites, surveys or advertising campaigns, videos or blogs, for example. One of the main advantages that idea visualization has over the other MVP methods is its efficiency in cost. It also takes much less time.

An iconic example of an idea visualization MVP is Dropbox that began with a basic demonstration video and attracted thousands of users to their sites. They later developed the product based on the user feedback.

  • Start selling first, build afterward.

This is the way to begin a pre-sales for the product prior to actually creating it. It is usually a crowdfunding campaign on relevant platforms like Kickstarter. The first sale of your MVP ensures that your idea is appreciated by the general public and attracts investors.

In simple terms simply, you create an advertising campaign to promote a product yet to exist and grow.


A mockup of your product allows you to design a portion of the future functionality of your product. Utilizing the method of mockups for product development there are a variety of options to consider when developing your MVP.

Single-feature MVP

As the name suggests, this approach includes focusing on the essential functions. To make sure that your users comprehend what the product is designed for. With this method, you must design the MVP to satisfy the primary requirement of users at the very least, by 80percent.


Minimum Lovable Product , also known as MLP concentrates on user satisfaction with the least viable product. As opposed to building a "viable" product, "lovable" replaces it with a unique experience for its first-time users. The purpose of the MLP is to enhance the basic attributes. It is designed to enhance user experience by providing visually appealing designs, illustrations and micro-interactions, etc. It utilizes intuitive information architecture to facilitate flow , etc.

4. The success criteria are identified

How do you determine if your MVP has been successful or not? To determine that you have to define some key metrics, which are as follows:

  • Activations

  • Active users

  • Customer feedback

  • NPS(Net Promor Score)

  • MRR(Monthly Recurring Revenue)

  • CAC(Customer Acquisition Cost)

  • ARPU(Average Revenue Per User)

5. Make a storymap

Story Mapping comprises four components that are: Goals > Activities > Jobs or User Stories > Tasks. It is essential to the prioritization of features, and it also helps in creating an overview of your product's backlog. Goals are the foundation of every product and are required for taking certain actions and features. Goals can be turned into job or user stories.

A story map enables you to identify your product's strengths and pain points.

6. MVP launch

If you have learned how to build MVP You're half-way through the process. The process of launching MVP will be easy since it's the building block for your next product. If you follow the steps above, you are all prepared to start your MVP.

B-M-L-I (Build- Measure-Learn-Iterate)

Finally, exercise BLMI (build-measure-learn-iterate). Once you've built your MVP It is the first step in building the product and therefore a constant process of validated learning. After defining your product with an MVP, you need to test your product and obtain helpful feedback from the users. Quality Assurance engineers conduct the initial testing phase and improve how your products perform overall.

It is essential to go through each aspect after you have launched the MVP. From the reactions of your users to feedback, release and reaction every detail helps you evaluate the acceptance and value of your product's position in the marketplace.

Markovate has curated a step-by-step procedure to ensure the success of MVP deployment as a product development company.

Markovate is an application and digital product development firm that is specialized in developing custom digital products using current and up-to-date technology. Read more about our company by clicking here.

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